Portrait of Tim

I have worked at many things but none so hard as looking within to understand what has happened during my life. This has bought wonderful fruit to me in the form of feeling richness. I have found peace after difficult times. My art practice is my expression of how I feel this sense of connectedness, which enables me to bring beautiful and meaningful art works into other peoples lives.

Tim Strachan

There is a universal energy, a divine force that creates us; sustains us; connects us to one another; and works in cooperation with our thoughts, words and actions to generate our life experiences. When we recognise and learn to work in partnership with this benevolent force we become masters of our own destiny.

Cheryl Richardson (with Louise Hay)
You Can Create An Exceptional Life

Being Still. It is true for us that to be loved and to love another is the one true happiness, and with connection to our spirituality brings completeness to our lives. We are born to question our existence – our experiences, relationships, and pain and suffering, to map a course through life that will bring us meaning, joy and peace, and ultimately connection to a loving, nourishing environment. With silence there is much to be learned from our instinct and intuition, and the helpful teachers in our lives. The noise of distraction, struggle and conflict, prevents us hearing and realising the truth.

Tim Strachan